01-27-2025, 08:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2025, 08:57 PM by Pierre Bellisle.)
Calling opcode string discussion was started at https://forum.powerbasic.com/forum/user-...discussion
It is an answer To Anne on how to get and embed a function in a string and call it via "call dword"
This one show particularly how to find the end of the function code by inserting data near the end.
It is an answer To Anne on how to get and embed a function in a string and call it via "call dword"
This one show particularly how to find the end of the function code by inserting data near the end.
'follow up of https://forum.powerbasic.com/forum/user-to-user-discussions/programming/838669-calling-opcode-string-discussion
#compile exe '#Win 10.04 (D:\Dev\Pow\Bas\Jose Roca\Forum\Jose\Windows API Headers\3.1.07\uz)#
#dim all
'#register none
'%Unicode = 1
#include "Win32Api.inc"
global hDlg as dword
$AppName = "call dword"
%Static01 = 101
%Button01 = 201
declare function myfunction(byval var1 as long ,byval var2 as long) as long 'for call dword to use
function HexView$(sString as string) as string 'HexString
local pByte as byte pointer
local sBuffer as string
local sChar16 as string
local Looper as long
pByte = strptr(sString)
if (Looper and 15) = 00 then 'Like MOD 16
sBuffer = sBuffer & hex$(Looper, 4) & ": " 'Line number:
elseif (Looper and 07) = 00 then 'Like MOD 8
sBuffer = sBuffer & "- " 'Middle dash
end if
if Looper < len(sString) then 'Add data
sBuffer = sBuffer & hex$(@pByte[Looper], 2) & $spc
#if %def(%pb_win32) 'A to F have bigger width
sBuffer = sBuffer & " " 'Windows: No more data, fill with five spaces
#else 'Use STDOUT in console
sBuffer = sBuffer & " " 'Console: No more data, fill with three spaces
end if
if (Looper and 15) = 15 then 'End of 16 bytes line
sChar16 = mid$(sString, Looper -14, 16) 'Next line replace non visible characters with dot
replace any chr$(0,1,7,9,10,13,27 to 31,127,129,140,141,143,144,152,157) with "..................." in sChar16
sBuffer = sBuffer & "; " & sChar16 & $crlf 'Add ascii string and CRLF
if Looper >= len(sString) - 1 then exit do 'Job done
end if
incr Looper
function = "Binary data lenght is" & str$(len(sString)) & " bytes." & $crlf & sBuffer
end function
function Add2Numbers(byval var1 as long ,byval var2 as long) as long
function = var1 + var2
'function = var2
exit function
!DB &h12, &h34, &h56, &h78, &h9A, &hBC, &hDE, &hF0
end function
callback function DlgProc
local sAsm as string
local sTerminator as string
local pcode as dword
local pString as dword
local RetVal as long
local byteVal as byte
select case cbmsg
case %wm_command
select case cbctl
case %Button01
if cbctlmsg = %bn_clicked or cbctlmsg = 1 then
'call original function
sTerminator = chr$(&h12, &h34, &h56, &h78, &h9A, &hBC, &hDE, &hF0)
pcode = codeptr(Add2Numbers)
RetVal = 0
call dword pcode using myfunction(2, 2) to RetVal
MessageBox(hDlg, "CALL DWORD pcode result =" & str$(RetVal), $AppName, 266240)
'call a copy of original function using myfunction()
sAsm = ""
sAsm &= peek$(pcode, 1) 'build sAsm byte by byte to be sure to not access out of bound memory
incr pcode
if instr(sAsm, sTerminator) then
sAsm &= peek$(pcode, 16) 'get the end of function
exit do
end if
RetVal = 0
pString = strptr(sAsm)
call dword pString using myfunction(2, 3) to RetVal
MessageBox(hDlg, "CALL DWORD pString result =" & str$(RetVal), $AppName, 266240)
'call a copy of original function without using myfunction()
pString = strptr(sAsm)
! push 4
! push 2
call dword pString 'Or you may use !call pcode
! mov RetVal, eax
MessageBox(hDlg, "CALL DWORD ASM result =" & str$(RetVal), $AppName, 266240)
'show the copy and original function code side to side
MessageBox(hDlg, "pcode:" & $crlf & HexView$(peek$(codeptr(Add2Numbers), len(sAsm))) & $crlf & $crlf & $crlf & _
"pString:" & $crlf & HexView$(peek$(codeptr(Add2Numbers), len(sAsm))), $AppName, 266240)
end if
end select
end select
end function
function pbmain()
dialog font "Segoe UI", 9
dialog new %hwnd_desktop, $AppName, , , 150, 50, _
%ws_caption or %ws_minimizebox or %ws_maximizebox or %ws_sizebox or %ws_sysmenu, %ws_ex_left to hDlg
control add label, hDlg, %Static01, "codeptr() and strptr() test", 5, 10, 140, 11, %ss_center
control add button, hDlg, %Button01, "test codeptr() and strptr()", 15, 25, 120, 15
dialog show modal hDlg call DlgProc
end function