09-07-2024, 01:42 PM
This is roughly 3 times faster than the usual three MOD operations method.
(here pseudo means conditionally equivalent, the condition is the divisor being a power of 2)
Longer description at: http://www.yarker-dsyc.info/D_Notebook/P...yDays.html
! push eax 'for pseudo MOD, dividend and quotient
! mov FebDays, 28& 'not a leap year pre-set
! mov eax, 3???
! and eax, Year 'conditionally equivalent MOD 4
! jz MOD100 '0 is possible leap year
! jmp Done
! push ebx 'for divisor
! push edx 'for high part of dividend, remainder (MOD)
! xor edx, edx
! mov eax, Year
! mov ebx, 100???
! div ebx
! cmp edx, 0??? 'does MOD 100 = 0 ?
! pop edx
! pop ebx
! jz MOD400 '0 is possibly not a leap year
! jmp Is29Days 'non 0 is a leap year
! and eax, 3??? 'EAX has Year\100, so pseudo MOD 4 again
! jnz Done
! Is29Days:
! mov FebDays, 29&
! pop eax '
Longer description at: http://www.yarker-dsyc.info/D_Notebook/P...yDays.html